Do you need some time for yourself?
Need someone to provide care for a loved one?
Young at Heart's Caregiver Program can help
The Caregiver program is aimed to assist at home Caregivers 18 and older that are caring for a qualified receiver 60 yrs or older or a person 18 and older taking care of a person with Alzheimer's disease or related Dementia, to aid the caregiver in keeping their care receiver in the home.
Caregiver Program: Melanie Tuey ACC
The National Family Caregiver Support Program provides a multifaceted system of support services for Caregivers and
their loved ones.
Families are the major providers of long-term care, but research has shown that caregiving exacts a heavy emotional, physical, and financial toll.
NFCSP offers a range of services to support Caregivers such as:
Support Groups
And/or Supplemental Services:
Light Home Making
Light Meal Prep
Qualifications to become a part of the NFCSP:
Caregiver must be over 18 years of age
Caregiver is providing care to someone
over the age of 60.
Meet the requirements of ADL and IADL’s
The Caregiver does not have to be related or live with the Loved one.
Senior Companion Program
Make a difference in the lives of homebound seniors. If you are age 55+, you can earn money while enjoying the companionship of homebound seniors. Senior Companions needed in Rock Springs and Green River.
Caregiver Program
Melanie Tuey ACC
Young At Heart Senior Center
2400 Reagan Ave.
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: 307-352-6737 ext. 201
Please use the form below to request more information