Work done by Syn Lawn of Wyoming.

The Early Learning Center
About the Early Learning Center
The Early Learning Center utilizes the most up to date technology to enhance learning. All of our classrooms are equipped with SmartBoards which are used for literacy, math, science and other areas of learning. The intended purpose of this technology is for learning and to prepare children for the technology they will be using when they enter their formal education. While technology is important, it is also important that the children are not overwhelmed by it and that they receive hands on education.
Positive Guidance
The Early Learning Center focuses on positive guidance. Teachers model positive behaviors, create a "yes" environment, set rules and expectations, so that the children understand what is expected of them, provide children with choices to accomplish a task, and build the self esteem and self worth of the children. Our center has recently begin implementing a conscious discipline approach. We look at each behavior as a form of communication, and not as bad behaviors. With this approach we are labeling children's emotions, and giving them tools to use to address or cope with certain behaviors.
Communication with Parents
The Early Learning Center is committed to communicating with families regarding the educational and developmental experiences of their children in a variety of ways including via monthly newsletters, emails, notes home, phone calls, text messaging, documentation boards, parent teacher conferences and a daily tracking app that we use to create a partnership with all families.
Entrance to the facility can only be gained by a security code. This ensures that only people who should be in the center are here and keeps children and staff safe. In addition to secure doors, we require photo identification for those who we may not know prior to picking up children. Every effort is made to keep children in a safe and secure environment. Along with these safety features children also practice fire drills and lock downs to keep us safe at all times.
Strong partnerships with parents, use of emergent curriculum, indoor and outdoor gross motor space, developmentally appropriate learning, an "open door " policy for parents, and the utilization of technology are key elements to the Early Learning Center which provides a fun, safe and nurturing learning environment. In addition, the ELC provides a nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack daily. These meals are prepared by the kitchen staff of Young at Heart Center.
Teacher to Child Ratios:
Infants- 1:4
Toddlers- 1:5
Two's- 1:8
Preschool/Jr. PreK-1:10
Kindergarten Prep-1:12
School Age - 1:18
Director: Brianna Romero
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 6:30 am-6:00 pm
Telephone: 307.382.0662
Fax: 307.212.5639
Email: brianna.romero@yahsc.org